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Debate: does high quartz content in a granite sink make a better sink?

granite composite sink


Before buying the best granite composite sinks, most manufacturers may send out false information. We all know that a granite composite sink is mainly made of quartz sand and resin, some manufacturer declares that the quartz content reaches 90%. It doesn’t make sense. Does the high quartz content in a granite sink make it a better product?
In this article, we will tell you the truth.

The Major Raw Materials for Granite Sinks

The primary raw materials that are used in this type of sink are quartz sand and acrylic resin. These are also the main factors that affect the price of the sink.
Except for these two, there are some other materials used in small proportions as well. These are color paste, a coupling agent, and a curing agent, etc.


Quartz is a natural mineral material with a lot of adorable qualities that are seen in composite sinks. It is stable both chemically and chemically, a nonmetallic mineral that is hard, wear and stain-resistant, and durable. It offers color diversity which endears it to many customers.
Quarzsand besteht aus gleichmäßigen Partikeln ohne Verunreinigungen. Es gibt keine Fremdkörper und keinen verwitterten Stein.
Granite composite production involves heating and molding of the quartz sand and resin. It’s a straightforward process and requires little finishing effort since it comes out from a mold. Granite composite contains 80% quartz stone and 20% resin.
It has many crystals and is also a well-engineered stone for better strength and even design. It is heavier and harder than natural granite because of these added substances.



The second most important material in a granite sink is resin. The resin (PMMA) is a raw material for artificial teeth, which means it is very safe to use on consumption equipment. It plays the role of a bonder that binds the quartz sand together and gives a better toughness and resistance.

What Role Does Resin play in Granite Composite Sinks?

More so, the manufacturing process of a granite sink may vary as most producers may tweak the quality of materials. It’s also known as Acrylic – a material commonly used as a glass substitute that helps to bond the quartz sink and make it tougher.

What is the Best Proportion for the Quartz Sand and Resin?

During quartz sink production, two materials of note are used. A standard proportion for addition is 80% quartz sand and 20% resin (PMMA). These two materials make the sinks durable and resilient and make them safe and healthy for holding food items.
Thus, quartz stone is naturally a food-grade material and doesn’t contain toxic elements. Also, the resin (PMMA) is a raw material for artificial teeth, which means it is very safe to use on consumption equipment. It’s also known as Acrylic – a material commonly used as a glass substitute that helps to bond the quartz sink and make it tougher.

Quartz sand 80% and Resin 20%

Why Do Some Manufacturers Advertise their High Content of Quartz Stone

Since granite composite sinks gained popularity in the sink market and command high demand, most producers have become fishy. And because they want to make more sales and supplies, they tend to be a bit shady regarding information about their products.
Hence, most manufacturers advertise their products as having a very high content of quartz sand than others. While this may be true, it has some shady aspects as to why manufacturers advertise it. Here are some of the reasons:

To Deceive Customers

They are not con men and do not want to trick you of your money. However, they pose a high quartz sand content to give customers the impression that the quartz sink is the best quality. But other factors help to determine this fact. We’ll discuss some of them later in the article.

To Make More Profits

The manufacturing process of a granite sink may vary as most producers may tweak the quality of materials. For instance, some manufacturers claim the use of higher quality materials to hike the prices of their products.
They advertise granite sinks with over 95% of quartz sand to command a higher price. This brings us to the ultimate question – does a higher content of quartz sand make a granite sink better?
We’ll answer this question by looking at some key factors that affect the quality of granite composite sinks.


    Key Factors that Affect the Quality of Granite Composite Sinks

    The granite sink contains many materials, even though quartz sand is the main one. Hence, other factors determine the quality of a granite composite sink rather than the quartz material.



    The density of a composite sink is the measurement of the mass to the volume. This definition means density determines how much granite content is n a particular sink produced. This means that a denser granite sink will weigh more than one with less density.
    The density of a granite composite is an essential aspect of its entire feature. It’s one of the factors that help determine the durability of a sink and its resistance to cracks and chips.

    Is it a Food Grade Material?

    The best quality composite sinks are made with food-grade quartz and other materials. This means that they are not toxic and suitable for use where food is made. Quartz stone has low toxicity; hence all granite composite sinks are food-grade material sinks.

    Where does Raw Material come from?

    The major raw material used in producing granite composite sinks is quartz sand. And as such, the origin of the quartz sand affects the quality of the finished product. Even though there may be other added materials, quartz sand has the highest quantity.
    The material obtained from China is good for a top-quality sink. Moreover, factories prefer locally obtained raw materials to cut costs. But with a good proportion of Acrylic or resins, the granite sinks are usually the best.

    Final word

    Granit-Verbundspülen are aesthetics and functional. However, most buyers would want to know the quality before purchasing. Hence, they tend to debate the hardness of the granite sink concerning its quartz content.

    The raw materials we have explained above how hard the granite sink is and the impact of other component materials. It answered in clear terms the question – does the quartz content quantity make the granite sink a better one? Check out this line for your answer.

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