공유 페이스북
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공유 링크드인

완벽한 세탁실 싱크를 선택하는 방법

Laundry Room Sink


Laundry room sinks, also known as utility or laundry sinks, can be a great convenience if you have enough space in your home. These sinks can be used for washing clothes, dealing with stains, or even just cleaning around the house. There are many sizes to choose from, including small laundry sinks, larger laundry tubs, and even double laundry tubs.

According to HGTV, while the most straightforward laundry room sinks are freestanding floor-to-ceiling utility sinks, you can choose from various materials, styles, and sizes for your laundry sink. When selecting the perfect laundry sink consider the following.

1. Consider the installation method

When it comes to laundry sinks, there are different installation options because there are different basin types to choose from. You have four options for your laundry room sink installation, including drop-in, undermount, wall-mounted and freestanding, and portable.

Since your sink will typically remain a permanent fixture in your home for years to come, you need to make sure you choose something that fits your long-term needs and considers any updates required for the future—view details on the following four installation options.


제품 이미지
손으로 만든 드롭인 싱크대

Laundry sinks with built-in installation are also known as self-inset or mounted sinks. These sinks are mounted in a hole in the countertop. The basin then sits below the counter, leaving only the edge of the sink on top.

This style is easy to install. Also, inset sinks are usually suitable for most countertops or surfaces in a laundry room.


제품 이미지
Hand Made Undermount Sink

Undermount laundry sinks are installed completely under the counter, so the countertop completely covers the edge of the sink. This type of installation will give the sink a modern look and make cleaning easy because you only have to wipe items from the counter into the utility sink.

In addition, some undermount laundry sinks come with matching covers, so you can cover the sink to free up extra counter space when the basin is not in use.

Wall-mounted and freestanding

These types of utility sinks are installed as freestanding sinks away from the countertop. This type of installation can be useful when you have messy washing tasks that may dirty the countertop.

2. Choose your ideal material

One of the main factors in choosing the perfect laundry room sink is its material. Consider the following popular options for utility receivers.

Cast iron

주철 싱크대

A traditional sink material, cast iron sinks are coated with enamel and used for heavy-duty products. This allows the sink to withstand high water temperatures and years of wear and tear. Although, over time, cast iron enamel may eventually chip, leaving the sink exposed to the metal.

Cast iron sinks require maintenance as the exposed metal will rust and the homeowner must re-glaze them periodically.


Another material choice for laundry sinks is acrylic. Acrylic is a lightweight but durable laundry sink option that resists scratches and stains. If you consider acrylic sinks, keep in mind that they are louder than other materials when water hits them. In addition, they are not as heat resistant as other materials you must choose.


도자기 싱크대

Porcelain sinks have a classic luster and timeless beauty that can sometimes make them look too pretty in some mudrooms. However, in addition to their appeal and timeless beauty, porcelain sinks are very heat resistant and easy to clean, making them perfect for use in laundry rooms or utility rooms.


Ceramic laundry sinks are made under extremely high temperatures. This creates a non-porous surface that is more resistant to stains than any laundry tub material. This material is also easy to clean, sturdy and has an attractive luster.

스테인레스 스틸

손으로 만든 주방 싱크대

Lightweight and easy to clean, 스테인레스 스틸 싱크 are classic for laundry rooms and utility rooms. These sinks have a particular industrial look and feel that is perfect for more functional spaces. However, keep in mind that sinks like acrylic, stainless steel laundry tubs, or laundry sinks can make a lot of noise when water hits.


    3. Choose the right faucet


    Finally, when choosing the perfect sink for your laundry room, you need to consider the sink faucet. When choosing the best material for fixtures around your home, it’s often a good idea to consider the resilience, design and cost of the laundry sink faucet used in your utility room or laundry room.

    Some of the most popular material choices for laundry faucets include

    • Brass
    • Chrome
    • Brass
    • Tin
    • 스테인레스 스틸
    • Nickel

    When looking for the right faucet, you will also need to consider the spout and valve. For the spout, you can choose between aerated or non-aerated options. The valve may not significantly impact the daily use of your sink, but it can affect the long-term durability of your laundry sink faucet.

    In addition, choosing a low-flow faucet for your laundry faucet may be an easy way to stop wasting water around your home. Visit Chica series sink products today to see eco-friendly fixtures for your laundry sink and other kitchen and bathroom fixtures.

    공유 페이스북
    공유 트위터
    공유 링크드인

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