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How to install a farmhouse sink?

farmhouse sink

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A farmhouse sink also called an apron-front sink, is a large, deep basin sink that can accommodate large utensils such as pots and pans. Most kitchen cabinets are too tall for a farmhouse sink, so the manufacturer must custom-make the cabinets. The other option is to cut a bunk into the existing kitchen cabinets. You will also need to have something under the sink to accommodate its weight. The type of material you use sets the sump. Follow these steps to install your farmhouse sink easily.

Step 1: Create a template.

First, check the farmhouse sink to determine if the manufacturer included a template for installation. If they did not, you would need to develop your template. Start by taking the farmhouse sink and place it face up on a piece of cardboard. Trace its outline using the chalk, making sure to show the location of the lip.

Step 2: Transfer the template to the cabinet.

Take the cardboard template and place it against the kitchen cabinet to install the farmhouse sink. Use the chalk to outline the face of the cabinet. Other marking materials can be used; however, they should be removable and not leave streaks.

Step 3: Create space for the sink.

Take the cardboard saber saw and carefully cut along the outline. Cut quickly and efficiently to avoid irreparable damage to the kitchen cabinet. The type of saw to use depends on the material of your cabinet.

Step 4: Support the sink.

Most farmhouse sinks are heavy, so you will need to provide adequate support for the sink’s weight and anything placed in it. The manufacturer’s manual should provide more information and guidelines to provide the correct amount of support. In general, you can place ledgers under the sink to support it when it is inserted into your bunk.

Step 5: Install the sink.

Next, you can install your farmhouse sink into the created bunk. Make sure it sits properly in the ledgers and fits snugly into the cut-out area. Typically, the sink is raised slightly above the counter level, but that will depend on your taste. You may also decide to leave the sink level with the counter. You can shore up the sink with shims.

Step 6: Seal and connect water.

Use silicone caulk to seal the sink. Connect the water supply after making sure the drain and faucets are in place. The new farmhouse sink should be ready to use.

Note that if you have a sink pre-set for a farmhouse sink, you can skip steps 1-3.

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