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The Most Critical Factors that Affect Granite Sink Quality: Density

granite composite sink

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Granite composite sinks are among the best and most wanted in the industry. Most people prefer it in their homes to other material sinks due to its numerous good features. Most suppliers order just granite sinks because of the qualities it possesses.

Despite the excellent features of a granite composite sink, its qualities are determined by some factors. These may include production processes, choice of raw material, and factory that produced it. But one of the most important features that affect a granite composite sink is the density.

But how does density affect the quality of granite composite sink?

Read this article to the finish as we explain how density is the most critical factor affecting the quality of granite composite sinks – Density.

What is the Density of a Granite Composite Sink?

The density of a granite composite is an essential aspect of its exclusive feature. It’s one of the factors that help to determine the durability of a sink and its resistance to cracks and chips.

The density of a composite sink is the measurement of the mass to the volume. This definition means that density determines how much of the granite content is n a particular sink produced. This means that a denser granite sink will weigh more than one with less density.

CB8849 product image

Why does Density Determine the Quality of the Granite Composite Sink?

The density of a sink determines how much the raw material is contained in a finished product. This means that the high the density, which means mass per unit volume, the possibility of a better product.

So how do we know the content of granite contained in each sink? It’s simply through the manufacturing process. This fact entails that the manufacturing process of a granite composite sink can determine its density.

Three different manufacturing processes

Granite composite sinks are produced using three different manufacturing processes, and they are

Low-pressure Forming process where the density is lower than 1.5g/cm3

High-Temperature casting forming which puts the density around 1.5 – 1.8 g/ cm3

Vacuum High-pressure forming density is about or above 2g/ cm3 (2-2.5g/ cm3).

Let’s see more details about these processes.

Low-Pressure Forming

The process or method results in sinks with a density of about 1.5g/ cm3. The product from this kind of process usually has a low density and is mostly very light. The quality is also low because the sink cannot withstand some of the rigors of the kitchen. Hence, the sink is prone to break or crack and may not be resistant to chips, bleeding, and stain.

High-Temperature Casting Forming

Another important method of producing granite sinks is the high-temperature casting forming to get sinks with about 1.8g/ cm3 density.

The products will be a bit denser than those of the first method. This means that the sinks will be a little heavier, stronger, and better making it one of the best production methods. That’s why it’s a popular manufacturing process in Chinese factories that make the best quality sinks.


The procedure makes the sink more sufficient to withstand the adverse condition of the kitchen. Thus, it makes the sink stain-resistant and wouldn’t change color when subjected to high temperature. You can also rest assured that sinks from this method are scratch, chip, and break-resistant to a considerable extent.

 High-pressure cast forming has some advantages. It offers the final products. First, due to its anti-oil effect, the granite composite sink cannot retain oil stains, and you can clean them off quickly. More so, the sink will have better drainage and a high level of resistance.

Vacuum High-Pressure Forming

This method of granite composite production is relatively the best you can think of, but it’s not as popular as the other two. Most factories in china avoid this process because it comes with a very high cost of production. However, it yields the best granite sinks with a density of about 2-2.5g/ cm3.

Like earlier said, it is rarely produced as the machinery is not rampant in China. However, there is a high rate of granite slabs or countertops made with a vacuum high-pressure forming process. But those for sinks or other products with curves have not seen the entire establishment.

How to calculate the Density of Granite Composite Sink

A simple formula was made in anearlier post where we discussed the density of a granite composite sink. The formula for density of sink is


Net weight (g)/ length (cm)/ width (cm) = Density of the sink (square weight).

For better precision, we may use the one below.

Net weight/ [ (Overall Length * Overall Width + (Height-Thickness * 2) * Inner Length * 2 + (Height-Thickness * 2) * Inner Width) *Thickness] = cubic weight (weight per cubic meter of quartz composite sink)

Theunitshould be used in the formula:

Net weight: g

Length and Width, Height, Thickness: cm

You can get these parameters from the manufacturer and also the body of the packaging. You’d need mostly the length and width of the packaging of the sink, while you may have to contact the producer for the net weight.

Other Factors that affect Sink Quality

Apart from the density, other factors can affect the density of a granite composite sink. They include:

Origin of the Raw Material

The primary raw material used in producing granite composite sinks is quartz sand. And as such, the origin of the quartz sand affects the quality of the finished product. Even though there may be other added materials, quartz sand has the highest quantity.

The material gotten from China is good for a top-quality sink. Moreover, factories prefer locally obtained raw materials to cut costs. But with a good proportion of acrylic or resins, the granite sinks are usually the best.

Food Grade Material

The best quality composite sinks are made with food-grade quartz and other materials. This means that they are not toxic and are suitable to be used where food is made. Quartz stone has low toxicity; hence all granite composite sinks are food-grade material sinks.

Quartz Content

The content of quartz contained in the sink helps to determine its grade and quality. However, one of themisconceptions in the sink industry is that the higher the content, the better the sink. This has been proven not to be entirely accurate.


The density of a granite composite sink determines its quality. Even though other factors may lay claim to the strength and resilience of granite sinks, density is one of the most critical factors that affect the quality of granite composite sinks.

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