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8 Steps to Check the Quality of Granite Composite Sink

CA2318-VOYAGE product image

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Granite composite sinks are a durable and robust addition to the kitchen. These sinks are manufactured by utilizing a blend of resins and granite dust. They are created under high pressure, making them hygienic, porous, and resistant to heat, stains, scratches, and chips.

Bồn rửa tổng hợp bằng đá granite are not so standard in usual household kitchens. These sinks provide a beautiful alternative to conventional porcelain and stainless steel sinks.

Common Mistakes People Make

People often do not know how to distinguish or check the quartz composite sink’s quality when purchasing it, as it is an uncommon kitchen appliance. It is important to check the quality of the sink before buying it, as it can be a safety hazard. Buyers can distinguish the quality of a quartz composite sink based on the 8 points mentioned below:

1. Pay attention to the package

The first thing buyers should do is look at the outer packaging of the quartz composite sink. Even Though the sink is hard and durable, the product itself is fragile. If the outer packaging has any significant damage, the sink inside can also have problems or damage.

All buyers should look out for the following details on each package: manufacturer name, production date/production batch number, shipping mark, product series (category), specification, quantity, etc.

2. Check the appearance of the quartz composite sink.

After inspecting the outer packaging, the buyer can observe the quartz composite sink’s appearance to check for any damage. Some of the things to examine when checking the arrival of the quartz sink include:

● Check if the surface is clean and there is no noticeable stain or discoloration on the sink. The surface should be of uniform color with no marks on it. At times, there is a layer of protective oil on the sink; this is normal with new sinks and can be washed off.

● Second, the edges of the board. They need to be flat with flawless edges, without any ripples or unevenness. The sink should not have any scratches, cracks, bubbles, impurities, or any other sort of damage on it.

If all these points check out, the quartz sink has good quality and appearance.

3. Observe the bottom of the sink

Inspecting the bottom of the sink is just as important as is the top. Some things to look out for when checking the bottom of the sink include:

The surface must be polished and smooth when touched by hand. There should be no undulating or uneven feeling throughout the sink. Furthermore, there should be no cracks/small pores and not too many large holes at the sink’s bottom.

4. Glance from a distance of half a meter

The quartz composite sink looks best under normal light, with appearance quality being best seen from a distance of half a meter. There should be no uneven surface particles and no noticeable visual difference in what the sink should look like.

After finishing the first four steps, it can be concluded that there are no problems with the sink’s physical examination. Next, chemical tests are done to check further if the sink is safe to use.

5. Heat-resistant test

To do the heat-resistant test on a quartz composite sink, boil and pour 100°C hot water into it and let it sit and cool down. The sink needs to be checked to ensure it has no discoloration and does not give off any odor.

Depending on the type of material the sinks are made from, different quartz sinks may have varying heat resistance.

6. Stain-resistant test

To check for stain resistance, use a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and coffee to drip on different areas of the sink. These are then left to sit in the sink for 24 hrs, then wash with detergent water. If the sink is stain resistant, there should not be any sort of discoloration present in it.

7. Acid resistance test

First, for the acid resistance test, boil 500ml of water + 15g of citric acid and then pour it into the sink and let it sit. In case citric acid is not present, this can also use 20g of white vinegar + 100ml water.

After letting it sit for a while, observe the liquid. It should not produce any bubbles and should not have any color change. If bubbles are present or the liquid changes colors, then the sink is not acid-resistant, making the sink unsafe to use.

8. Scratch-resistant test

The last test to do on a quartz composite sink is the scratch-resistant test. It is better to do this test in the presence of the manufacturer. Before doing this test, ensures that the sink can be refunded or exchanged if found to be non-scratch resistant.

To perform this test, buyers can scratch the quartz sink’s surface with a coin or any other sharp object. If no scratches appear on the sink, then the quality of the quartz composite sink is premium.



    It is essential to follow and test the sink in terms of all 8 points and not skip out. The methods mentioned above to inspect bồn rửa composite thạch anh are not complicated and can be done by anyone when buying the sink.

    By following these steps, ensure that you are getting the best quality product for your money.

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